Not Visible
Scroll Down
Inner Box


Reactive intersection observer.


import { useRef } from 'react'
import { useIntersectionObserver } from '@react-hooks-library/core'

export function Demo() {
  const inner = useRef(null)

  const { inView } = useIntersectionObserver(inner)

  return (
      <div>{inView ? 'Visible' : 'Not Visible'}</div>
        <div ref={inner}>Inner Box</div>
export function Demo() {
  const outer = useRef(null)
  const inner = useRef(null)

  const { inView, entry, stop } = useIntersectionObserver(
      root: outer,
      threshold: 0.5
    (entries) => {

  return (
    <div ref={outer}>
      <div>{inView ? 'Visible' : 'Not Visible'}</div>
        <div ref={inner}>Inner Box</div>


  • target (required)

    The element we wish to observe, it can be either a react ref or a DOM node

  • options (optional)

    • root (optional | default - document)

      The Element or Document whose bounds are used as the bounding box when testing for intersection, it can be either a react ref or a DOM node

    • rootMargin (optional | default - '0px')

      A string which specifies a set of offsets to add to the root's bounding_box when calculating intersections

    • threshold (optional | default - 0)

      Either a single number or an array of numbers between 0.0 and 1

  • callback (optional)

    A callback function which is called whenever the intersection observer detects an intersection


  • inView

    Whether the element is in view or not

  • entry

    The entry object for the current intersection

  • isSupported

    Whether the browser supports the intersection observer API

  • stop

    Manually stop the observer, usually not needed as it will stop automatically be called when the component is unmounted

Type Declarations

export interface IntersectionObserverOptions {
   * The Element or Document whose bounds are used as the bounding box when testing for intersection.
   * @default document
  root?: MaybeRef<Element | Document | undefined | null>

   * A string which specifies a set of offsets to add to the root's bounding_box when calculating intersections.
   * @default '0px'
  rootMargin?: string

   * Either a single number or an array of numbers between 0.0 and 1.
   * @default 0
  threshold?: number | number[]
 * Reactive intersection observer.
 * @param target - React ref or DOM node
 * @param options - Options passed to mutation observer
 * @param callback - callback to execute when mutations are observed
 * @see IntersectionObserver MDN
 * @see
declare function useIntersectionObserver(
  target: MaybeRef<Element | undefined | null>,
  options?: IntersectionObserverOptions,
  callback?: IntersectionObserverCallback
): {
  isSupported: boolean
  stop: () => void
  inView: boolean
  entry: IntersectionObserverEntry | null


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