- BreakPointHooks
Reactive hooks and utilities to be used with user provided breakpoints.
- useActiveElement
Reactive document.activeElement
- useEventListener
Register listener using addEventListener when mounting, and removeEventListener automatically when un-mounting.
- useFont
React FontFace, a hook to load fonts asynchronously
- useIntersectionObserver
Reactive intersection observer.
- useLocation
Reactive browser location.
- useMediaQuery
Reactive media query hook that returns the truthy value of the media query.
- useMutationObserver
Watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.
- usePreferredColorScheme
Reactive prefers color scheme.
- useScrollIntoView
A hook to scroll an element into view on mounting
- useTitle
Reactive document title hook, set title or observe dom mutation reactively
- useAsyncCallback
Returns a current execution state of an async function.
- useHasMounted
Hook that returns whether or not the component has mounted
- useInterval
Run a function repeatedly at a specified interval
- useLocalStorage
Modified `useState` hook that syncs with localStorage.
- usePrevious
Find previous value of a state
- useSessionStorage
Modified `useState` hook that syncs with sessionStorage.
- useStateCompare
useState hook with custom compare function to avoid re-rendering
- useStateHistory
useState with built in undo and redo history control
- useToggle
A state toggle hook
- useClickOutside
Listen for click outside an element, useful for modals and tooltips.
- useHover
Detect if a dom element is hovered
- useIsSupported
Is a feature supported in the browser or not
- useKeyStroke
Listen for keyboard keys on keystroke
- useMediaStream
Reactive `mediaDevices.getUserMedia` streaming
- useMouse
Reactive mouse position based by page or client
- useNetwork
Reactive Network status
- useOnline
Reactive online status
- useScreenShare
Reactive screen sharing
- useScroll
Reactive scroll values for a react ref or a dom node
- useWindowSize
Reactive window size
- useDebounce
Used to debounce a quickly changing value. Will return the latest value after a specified amount of time.
- useEffectAfterMount
A useEffect hook that does not run on mount, but only on subsequent updates
- useMount
Run a function when a component is mounted.
- useMountSync
Run a function synchronously when a component is mounted but after DOM is painted.
- useUnMount
Run a function when component is unmounted.
- utils
Common utils and helpers.