
Common utils and helpers, as functions and types.


  • isClient - Check if we're on the server or client side
  • unRef - Accepts either a ref object or a dom node and returns a dom node
  • isRef - Check if object is a react ref
  • isWindow - is the object window
  • noop - no operation
  • rand - random number between a min and max number
  • isBoolean
  • isFunction
  • isNumber
  • isString
  • isObject


  • Fn - A function type
  • MaybeRef<T> - Union type of react ref and dom node.

Type Declarations

 * Any function
declare type Fn = () => void

 * Maybe it's a react ref, or a dom node.
declare type MaybeRef<T> = T | MutableRefObject<T>

 * Accepts either a ref object or a dom node and returns a dom node
 * @param target - ref or a dom node
 * @returns dom node
declare function unRef<T extends unknown = HTMLElement>(target: MaybeRef<T>): T

 * Check if we're on the server or client side
declare const isClient: boolean

 * Check if object is a react ref
declare const isRef: (obj: unknown) => boolean

declare const isBoolean: (val: any) => val is boolean

declare const isFunction: <T extends Function>(val: any) => val is T

declare const isNumber: (val: any) => val is number

declare const isString: (val: unknown) => val is string

declare const isObject: (val: any) => val is object

declare const isWindow: (val: any) => val is Window

declare const noop: () => void

declare const rand: (min: number, max: number) => number